Launched the OCME website for Organizational Change Management Experts

In case you are interested in Organizational Change Management Experts, go and visit This a new site where we want to develop a focused and pragmatic perspective on Organizational Change Management. What I do there is fulfill one of my missions in life: “I help and support leaders, managers and project managers to engage their […]

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Have you seen the Streaming club from Bob Proctor?

Written by on 2013/05/12 in Personal Productivity with 0 Comments
Have you seen the Streaming club from Bob Proctor?

I admit it, I am a fan of the materials and writings of Bob Proctor. I am also a member of the Bob Proctor Streaming club. Have you seen the fabulous materials you find there? Get a 2 week trial and see for yourself: Link to the streaming club video    

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New Web presence of Xiber Technologies GmbH

Written by on 2013/05/12 in General with 1 Comment

Welcome to our the new web presence of Xiber Technologies GmbH It was high time we moved to a fresh way of presenting ourselves. Now in WordPress format, which allows us to connect with the world an a user-friendly fashion. Do let us know what you think! Kind Regards Richard

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