
Breakthrough coaching is about creating your future using a systematic approach to finding what stops you from achieving your fullest potential. It starts with asking: If you could have anything as a result of doing a breakthrough session, what would you want? It is your personal shopping list of the desired situation. With your personal ‘tourguide’ you explore your values, metaprograms and beliefs about what you want to achieve. Using NLP and Time Line Therapy™ and other techniques you create the changes necessary to increase your choices for the future. (Typically in a few 4 hr sessions, or a one day session with follow-up)

Launched the OCME website for Organizational Change Management Experts

In case you are interested in Organizational Change Management Experts, go and visit This a new site where we want to develop a focused and pragmatic perspective on Organizational Change Management. What I do there is fulfill one of my missions in life: “I help and support leaders, managers and project managers to engage their […]

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Have you seen the Streaming club from Bob Proctor?

Written by on 2013/05/12 in Personal Productivity with 0 Comments
Have you seen the Streaming club from Bob Proctor?

I admit it, I am a fan of the materials and writings of Bob Proctor. I am also a member of the Bob Proctor Streaming club. Have you seen the fabulous materials you find there? Get a 2 week trial and see for yourself: Link to the streaming club video    

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New Web presence of Xiber Technologies GmbH

Written by on 2013/05/12 in General with 1 Comment

Welcome to our the new web presence of Xiber Technologies GmbH It was high time we moved to a fresh way of presenting ourselves. Now in WordPress format, which allows us to connect with the world an a user-friendly fashion. Do let us know what you think! Kind Regards Richard

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