Welcome to the Experts Academy community at Xiber Technologies!
Thanks for being part of my EA list.
What can you expect from being on this list?
From time to time I will send you ideas and opportunities that may be of service to developing your and my on-line activities.
As we have learned at ExpertsAcademy, having a list where we can share and leverage each others’ opportunities for anyone out there that can benefit from our services, is key.
So you have my promise that:
- I will only send you ideas and suggestions that I personally think can be of value to your or your customers
- I will reciprocate – that when you send me valuable suggestions, I will share them with with my other lists.
In case you know other people who should be on this list – send them the this SIGNUP LINK – they can sign up there.
Do let me know in case you have any questions or suggestions.
In the meantime, have a look around this site!
Looking forward to hearing from you,
With kind regards,
Richard de Laat
im Niederholzboden 45
CH 4125 Riehen
Richard de Laat, CEO
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